The APHI Executive Committee works together to develop ideas and initiatives, identify potential projects within the four project focus areas, and establish the overall APHI strategy, work plan, and budget. The committee includes the following leadership team from the University and the Health Department:
Michael F. Dulin, MD, PhD
Executive Director, APHI
Professor, UNC Charlotte
Michael E. Thompson, MS, DrPH
Associate Director, APHI
Associate Professor and Interim Chair, UNC Charlotte

Jana Harrison, MA
Director of Administrative Services / Compliance Officer
Mecklenburg County
Public Health
The APHI Core Administration Team works with the Director to provide overall administrative and strategic leadership of the larger APHI organization, in response to direction provided by the Executive Committee and recommendations from members of the Implementation Team, made up of UNC Charlotte faculty and MCPH staff.

Kerry Burch, MPH
Director, Office of Innovation and Strategy
Mecklenburg County Public Health
Travis Hales, PhD
Assistant Professor
UNC Charlotte

Patrick A. Robinson, MD, MPH
Research Professor
UNC Charlotte
Michael E. Thompson, MS, DrPH
Associate Director, APHI
Associate Professor and Interim Chair, UNC Charlotte